Monday, April 6, 2015

Get Your Spouse Up Off the Couch: A Study in Partners' Exercise Habits

By Andrea Scarberry

There are a lot of reasons why we do or do not exercise, and for married couples, that list of reasons multiplies along with the added responsibility to another person. An article recently posted to the NY Times "Well" Blog elaborates on this point. You can read the article in its entirety here:

The article centers on a study compiled by researchers from Johns Hopkins University and other institutions, in which exercise habits of couples were observed over a number of years. According to the findings, it appears that once couples reach middle-age and beyond, their exercise habits are much more likely to begin to align. This may have something to do with the fact that many couples in this category have retired, no longer have children at home to care for, etc.

Ultimately, the message is clear: If at least one partner in a marriage can maintain a steady exercise regimen, with time, the other partner in the relationship is likely to hop on board. So, if you're a young husband/wife that can't seem to get your partner to exercise - don't give up hope just yet! Keep doing what you're doing, and eventually that good example will pay off, and hopefully rub off, on your spouse.

As a trainer at the JCC, I see a lot of couples that exercise together regularly, and others that each come in for workouts, but at different times. Not surprisingly, my observations really do align with the study - couples in middle-age and beyond make up the majority of couples that I see together in the gym regularly. This isn't to say that I never see young couples exercising together - I see this a lot too! That's the great thing about the JCC. There is quite a bit of diversity in membership and lifestyle, and as trainers, we get to see it all, and it is always inspiring! Whether it's a mom in the mid-morning with her kiddos in the childcare room, a senior couple coming in together, a single young person, or a young couple squeezing it in after a busy day, so many of our members are here making the effort, which is great to see.

As for those not exercising as often as they should - the study tells us that they just might come around eventually. Thanks for reading this week, and as always, until next time, be well.