Friday, February 13, 2015

Mindfulness Exercises Shown to Benefit Children Both Socially and Academically

by Andrea Scarberry

This article popped up on a couple weeks back:

Mindfulness Exercises Improve Kids’ Math Scores

The article talks about a study that recently took place in 4th and 5th grade classrooms in British Columbia, comparing a standard "social responsibility" program already used in Canadian public schools to a new program that promotes social and emotional learning - peppered with mindfulness and kindness exercises - called MindUP. Across the board, positive results pointed heavily toward the children participating in the mindfulness program.

Although this particular study was based on mindfulness activities performed in an academic setting, it seems pretty clear that these types of activities could potentially benefit children in many other settings and situations as well.

Tying right into this story, the JCC's Yoga for Kids program just started up this past weekend. Yoga classes are being offered for children in two different age groups; Tiny Tyke Yogis (2.5-5 years old) and Junior Yogis (6-12 years old). Straight from the Yoga for Kids flier: "Tiny Tyke and Junior Yogis will integrate physical yoga postures, mindfulness activities and social skill games to engage their mind, body and souls. They will be empowered to respect and honor their health and well-being while developing skills for emotional intelligence, communication and self-control all in a calm and productive environment."

From a personal standpoint, I have only good things to say, after bringing my 2.5 year old daughter to the first class this past Sunday. With one instructor and a room full of toddlers and very young children, I was skeptical to say the least. Imagine my pleasant surprise when, about five minutes in, I peeked through the window and saw all those tiny bodies flowing through yoga poses alongside the instructor!

I really do think that this class will benefit the kiddos physically and socially, and maybe even emotionally. Most young children are propping themselves into yoga poses the moment they become mobile - whether they (and we!) know it or not. It just made sense to let her give it a try- and it definitely didn't hurt seeing the big smile on her face, and hearing about how much fun she had afterward.

This session's classes filled up quickly, which is great! The Tiny Tyke Yogis class is full, and currently closed to new registrants, but there are still a few spots left in the Junior Yogis class if you are interested in getting your child registered. Based on the interest and success that this new JCC program has already received, you can expect for classes like this to be offered again in the future. Until next time, be well.

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